Thursday, January 29, 2009

Late January reflections (Bitter Sweet)

Well, I guess it is time I updated the blog. Looks as though I have already blow my New Year's resolution on this one. Not at an excuse, but it really has been a whirlwind of activities: new book published, editing the third one, the start of the semester, beginning a teaching pastor position at a new church (more about all these later).

I always date when the books come out by when I first receive them. In this case, The Darkness and the Glory arrived to me on December 2, 2008. I was in the mountains of Georgia speaking at a church and had to wait until I got home to see them.

While in Georgia in late November, I received word the following from my wife Betsy and wrote the following email to those involved in the non-profit ministry:

Good morning, Beloved

After about a 10-year "wait until the time is right with God," The Darkness and the Glory will be shipped from the printers. It has already borne fruit, and for that I am extremely thankful and rejoicing in the Lord.

I found out yesterday that Bill Merrill, the lawyer for The Master's Seminary and College, fell over dead from a heart attack. He was in his forties; he left behind a wife and two teenage children. It has left me rejoicing for the above paragraph and "kicked in the stomach" stunned at the same time.

Indeed our days are numbered before the Lord, and Bill going home to be with God is no mistake, but we still grieve our losses until we are all home with the Lord. 

I will miss him and our deepening friendship, and I will very much miss his expertise in being the brain trust behind the non-profit.

God bless you all.


Well, that should be enough for the time being.

More about The Darkness and the Glory soon.

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